Saturday, March 20, 2010

~Starbucks Trails~

So we thought that it would be cool if we decided to track all the Starbucks that we go to throughout this trip! We have been stopping in several of them to use the internet to update our blog and such. So I will post which stores we've been too and then post the most amazing store of all.....Pike Place, the very first Starbucks! I cannot wait!
So here is where we've been so far!

Link(this is a picture of the store in Sacramento near the Capital)

1st Starbucks: Shields & Hwy 41, Fresno
2nd Starbucks: 1601 P Street, Sacramento
3rd Starbucks: I-5 & Adobe, Red Bluff

We passed by two in Oregon, but we weren't able to stop. Maybe on the way back we can grab a Latte!



  1. I did that same trip a few years ago with a friend and visited the capital and oregon and washington and all the fin stuff that you guys are doing so i can relate thus far but i never made it to canada. :( kiss a moose for me and please bring my twinner back in one piece!
    Sarah "t"

  2. did you go to the corner where there's a starbucks on every corner??!?!?!?!?!?!? Its crazy! Lines out the door in each of them!
