Welcome to the Pike Place Public Market! We had so much fun there, these pictures only give a taste of what we experienced. I found a new place in the world that I love to be! In fact, all of Seattle I found is another home to me, that I will gladly come back to any chance I get. I loved that atmosphere, the people, the ocean, the city, the trees and of course the coffee. I loved every minute I was there. There is so much to explore and look at...and take pictures of. Seattle is definitely one of my favorite places in the world to be!
So here is just a glimpse of what we experienced in Seattle and the Pike Pace Market!

This is a panoramic of the market. I'm standing right next
to the sign you see in the picture above.

This is the "Fruit Man" that was listed in our quotes section.
Even though he still didn't give us his name he let us take a
picture with him!

The "Fruit Man" also sold Bekah a Lemon Plum. Neither of us
had had one before so it was intriguing.
It definitely was sweet and tart!

This is the famous Fish Market where they throw fish! Seriously, its great!
Whenever someone buys a fish they toss it back and forth to each other
and call out to each other in "Sailor Talk" (I only say that cause I didn't actually
understand what it was that they were saying!) Anyway! This tossing of the fish became
a famous ritual that crowds gather around to see. nobody bought a fish while we were there,
but they did toss the fish for us and do their "Sailor Talk" for everyone that was around!
It was pretty awesome!

This is Bekah talking to the "Goat Cheese Man". (I know I'm giving all
of these guys weird names, but this is really how we refer to them!) Bekah found out that
there was going to be a stand at the Market with goat cheese, so she made it her mission
to talk to the "Goat Cheese Man"! So of course she did! She got to ask him all sorts of
questions about things that we all knew nothing about. She had a lot of fun and bought
a package of goat cheese to go! If Bekah hasn't told you already, I'm sure she'll tell you soon about all of her cheese adventures!

We also went to the Beecher's Cheese store and Factory where Bekah
bought some cheese curds that were made fresh that day! If you want to see
if we all liked the cheese curds or not, take a look at Heather's video!

And of course, being a photographer, I had to capture my own version of the famous coffee cup and Public Market sign. I got a couple different angles and these are the two that I like the best. I enjoyed the Market so much! I would love to go back some day and go exploring some more!