Friday, April 2, 2010
Voodoo Donuts, StumpTown Coffee and Powell's Bookstore
A misplaced post that I found on my iphone
Day Nine (1:38 A.M.): *A note: the following post was originally written on my phone (my phone was less disruptive to everyone’s sleep then typing on my computer J) and was later transferred and edited here. This post belong chronologically between my post about day eight and the morning of day nine. So here it is:
It is now 1:38 A.M. Thursday morning and I am lying in bed in Vancouver, Washington after just updating the blog! The girls and everyone else in the house are asleep and I lay here just listening to the rain and looking out the window. Canada and most of Washington are behind us, as we have begin our descent back to Socal and normal life… I don’t think I’m ready for really life to begin again… What a road I have before me, as do we all. But right now I choose not to think about it… All I want to do is listen to the rain.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Multnomah Fall!
Day Nine (2:38 P.M.): Well we just left Multnomah Falls in Oregon and it was just as awesome as we had hopes and more! We ran up to the bridge to take a look and get some pictures! It was beautiful! Then we had to run back to the car with the cameras under our jackets so that we could protect them from the rain!!!! Now we are headed to Portland to met Seth and Alleena at Powells and eat Voodoo Donuts! I hear they are AMAZING! Anyways by the time you get this we will probably be past that point but that’s ok J OH! And I forgot to tell you that that Tuesday on the way to Whistler I figured out how to make the Chewbacca/Yeti sound! A secret goal of mine for a while… yeah I know I’m weird, right? But still I think that is something to be proud of!!!!!!!! Anyways gotta go!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Morning day nine!
Day Nine: This morning we got up just in time to say good-bye to Wendy before she headed out to work! Then it was time for the yummy breakfast she had made! BLUEBARRY COFFEE CAKE!!!!! Good stuff! We spent some time blogging and talking to Bryan and then Bryan and Evan left for Portland. I have LOVED spending a little time with them! Kinda wish they didn't live so far away... Wish I could of spent more time, hopefully I will be able to come up some time with my mom on one of her weekend adventures! Todays plan… MULTNOMAH FALLS!!!!!, Powells bookstore in Portland and then to South Beach Oregon to spend the night at Sarah’s aunt and Uncles house again! Fun filled and packed day! Gotta go, see ya in Oregon! More of my pictures to follow hopefully tonight!
From Vancouver to Vancouver!
Day Eight: Well today was our last morning in Vancouver L We still had yet to see a Mountie or a moose and found out that we could see a Mountie in Victoria and apparently it is a very pretty place so we headed over to Horseshoe bay but it was REALLY expensive and with the time on the fairies it would’ve taken us WAY to long so we decided to spend sometime at the bay and then head out… so unfortunately no moose or Mounties L But it’s ok we had a lot of fun otherwise! While I am sad that we didn’t have more time in Vancouver I am ready to go be home and not traveling! I am not a travel person I am a destination person so trips like when I went to Italy fit my style a little better, but I have loved actually spending a Spring Break doing something kinda crazy!!! Anyways, after crossing the border a few hours ago we are now driving down to Vancouver Washington to spend the night at the Abelings home for the night! Can’t wait to eat and go to sleep!!!!! Not to long ago we drive through Toledo Washington and I suggested that we say “HOLY TOLEDO BATMAN!!!!!” as we drive through and so we did! Good times, good times! (I stop writing this in the car and am now writing it at Thursday morning) So we got to the Abeling house around 9:30 P.M. last night and were great by hugs and welcomes at the door! Wendy told us that the guys where out getting the pizza and would be back soon! So we talked, played with their cute doggie and got settled in. The guys got here and we talked some more while the pizza was baking! Then we talked while eating the YUMMY pizza! It was great! After that it was off to bed for the night!
The Olympic day!
Day 4---Starbucks at Pike Place!!!!!

and of course I got Pike Place Roast!

for the weekend! It was so much fun to tour the city with her all day!

get a Pike Place at Pike Place. I wanted to watch them make my drink
at the bar and see them pull the espresso shots! I'm such a coffee nerd!

For my first Coffee tasting I had Arabian Mocha Sanani with the chocolate chip
indulgent cookie! It was amazing! This coffee is seasonal and is really expensive.
So it is a treat to have it whenever it comes out.
